
Archive for the ‘KVR’ Category

Confession time.

I don’t particularly enjoy running on pavement. It always seems so hot and pavement-y. I do run on some pavement when my runs are longer, and I know I’m going to have to get over it since I’ll be running 13 miles of pavement in October but for now, at least on my shorter runs, I will enjoy the solitude of my current running route: The RiverWalk trail.

Just as the name implies, the RiverWalk meanders along the Kettle River. It is a 5K loop from my house, down the trail, and back. Depending on my mood I will either start from home or simply re-run part of the trail until I hit my distance.

I spend a lot of time on the RiverWalk. It’s not only great for running but it’s the perfect spot for a 2-year-old to burn off some energy.

This is why we don’t run together. I get stuck pushing an empty stroller and he goes about his exploration duties.

Veering off track to check something out. Again.

No cars, hardly any other foot traffic and a soft surface to run on – what could be better?

Perhaps the best thing about the RiverWalk is its proximity to the Kettle River. The breeze it offers up is amazing on those days when the sun is burning just a little too hot for my liking. It also makes it easier for the dog to join me on my runs because fresh water is always at his disposal. Plus, I can stash his leash at the start of the trail and enjoy a run with nothing in my hands.

I’m always interested to find out where people run and how they determine their routes. My brother is also a runner and was training for a marathon when we were home in April. He never planned to run an actual race, he just wanted to be able to run the 26 miles. I remember asking him where he ran and if he had some pre-measured loops for his longer runs.

The answer?


He simply drives to a long stretch of road, runs until his iPod tells him he has gone half-way, then turns around and runs back to his car.


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Run stats
Distance: 5K
Time: 36:17
Average pace: 7′ 14″ km

Today called for a 3 mile run. When I converted it to kms it was just shy of 5K so I decided to round up so it was a nice even number (I’m like that some times). I am going to record the time and average pace just so I have a reference point in the future. I use a Timex BodyLink Monitor that I received for my birthday the first time I trained to track my distance, time and pace. I really like it even though it can do much more than I’ll probably ever know!

My run took me down the KVR rail grade, across the highway, through a farmer’s hay field (the allergies did not like this), and along the RiverWalk trail. The last part is by far my most favourite place to run in Midway. The trail meanders along the Kettle River and through some trees. It’s very relaxing, not to mention the breeze off the water is nice and cool in this 30 degree C weather. I felt good and I was happy that I ran the whole time – I only stopped once to pull out a piece of spear grass that was stabbing me in the ankle.

I was definitely tired afterwards as seen in tonight’s picture.

See that shirt? Be thankful you can’t smell it 🙂

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