
1. Glenn has this thing where if any type of clothing, blanket, towel, etc. is on the floor then he needs to lay down on it. Lately, this means the girl’s tummy time area gets confiscated by him.


2. Andrew had to go fall some trees on the weekend on our way to town. Lincoln and I watched as he fell them but Linc was more than happy to help pile the wood.



3. The boys room is finally done, which means we can finally move the girl out of our room. Hers is still a work in progress but its coming along nicely.



4. We got crafty this week. I had visions of making ghosts but this is what the final result was.


5. Tummy time!


This week’s Playlist Thursday theme is songs that make you wanna get a speeding ticket. You know, those songs that make you want to pick up the pace while running, or press the gas pedal just a little too hard while driving down the highway.

Following these guidelines:

Something Old: Songs that are at least 5 years old. (I know that isn’t too long to be considered old, but music turnover happens quickly.)
Something Current: Songs that have been released within the past year.
Something to Consider: This is the wild card category. Feel free to list any song: old, current, guilty pleasure, underground, whatever.

Here are the three songs I think you should add to your running playlist that will make you want to run like the wind.

Something Old

Artist: Outkast


Side note: This song has been on my running playlist for as long as I`ve had a running playlist. It always makes my feet move faster even if I have no idea what he is rhyming half of the time.

Quotable: “…thunder pounds when I stomp the ground.”

Something New

Artist: P!nk

Title: Blow me (one last kiss)

Side note: P!ink is one bad ass lady. Enough said.

Quotable: “I will do what I please, anything that I want. I won’t breathe, I won’t breathe, I won’t worry at all.”

Something to Consider

Artist: Rednex

Title: Cotton Eyed Joe

Side note: While searching for this video I discovered that they made a new version in 2002. I like the original better, and it reminds me of high school dances, so that’s what I’m giving you. Oh, OK, I’ll give you both.

Quotable: “Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from Cotton Eyed Joe?

Thanks again for the fun Pavement Runner!

Running is not the problem

I want to say a big thank you to all of you who commented on my last post and through other avenues. Knowing that it happens to the best of us, and that I’m not alone in feeling this way, has made it easier to really focus on what needs to be done.

Having a strong support system in place is going to be key for me as I continue on this journey and I am grateful that you are all a part of it.

I would like to clarify though that running is not a problem for me. In fact, running is what keeps me sane as a busy mom to two small children. Yes, it’s hard to get out the door sometimes but that has nothing to do with the actual act of running. Running never feels like a chore or something that I have to do. Mustering up the motivation seems like a chore sometimes but that would be the case whether my choice of activity was running or something completely different.

I live in a small rural area. The closest gym is 40 minutes away and they do not offer any classes (which is what I would want to go there for). I have a vast collection of DVDs that I can use in my house, as well as a bike trainer for my road bike that is set-up in the basement. The only downfall to those two things is that I am still in my house. Running on the other hand allows me to escape the laundry, the dishes, the toys, the constant chatter (don’t get me wrong, I do love the chatter, just not all the time), etc. I either get to catch up with a friend or myself and that is something that is very important to me.

Running is also one area of my life where I don’t compare myself to other people, only to myself.

My favourite running quote is this:

“Whether it’s a 7-minute mile, or a 14-minute mile, it is still a mile.”

I may be slower or faster than you but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are both out there doing what we love and testing our own limits and capabilities.

Yes, I want to improve but I think that goes without saying. There is always room for improvement.

I don’t officially start my marathon training program until the end of December. I am taking the time until then to build up my base and focus on losing some weight. If I miss a run for some unforeseen reason I won’t stress about it.

My Mom arrives in a week from Nova Scotia for a 2-week visit. I am looking forward to being able to run during the day while she is here, as well as being able to take her to some of my favourite running spots.

I’m still trying to figure things out but I am facing it with a positive attitude.

And in the words of my friend Tara, I need to stop being my own worse enemy. Please take the time to read her post. For me and for yourself.


Where do I go from here?

I don’t really know where to start so I guess I’ll just dive right in…

Remember when I wrote this post about my weight loss goals and how I said I was going to blog daily about how things were going? Yea, it seems like an eternity ago and just incase you hadn’t noticed the obvious I have not been blogging daily about it.

The reason is because truthfully, the things are not going well and I can’t figure out why.

I want this so bad, and I can visualize where I want to be in a year, but none of that matters because I am not taking the steps I need to take in order to make these goals a reality.

I know what I need to do and I have the knowledge and tools to make it happen but it’s not.

I think back to the times in my life when I was successful at losing weight and getting fit and it makes me wonder why it seems so hard this time around. The things I did before don’t seem to be working this time around.

I seriously need a swift kick, or 10, in the butt and I just can’t seem to do it to myself. It frustrates me to the point where I just don’t even want to think about it anymore.

I don’t know what the answer is but I know I need to find it.

It’s not that I’m making terrible choices, and I’m trying to fit in activity daily, but I know I have to buckle down and really commit or nothing is going to happen. I need to stop making excuses as to why I can wait one more day to really get serious.

I can start this without my new running shoes and the new book that are en route. Nothing significant is going to happen once these items are in my hands so why wait?

I need to stop waiting for the proverbial Monday to arrive because it’s not going to. Not now and not ever.

Maybe writing this will give me the kick in the butt I need. I can hope it will but hoping is not the same as doing. I need to stop wishing that things will change and take the steps to make them change.

I feel a lot of pressure to lose the baby weight. Pressure from society and pressure from myself. Pressure that is almost too much to handle at times. I don’t know why some new moms feel this way because the logical side of me knows that I didn’t put the weight on overnight so I can’t expect to lose it overnight. But in a world where it seems like some people can do just that it makes it harder on the rest of us.

I need to remember that my beginning is not the same as someone elses. My end goal might be someone elses starting off point. It doesn’t make my journey any more, or any less, significant it just makes it something different.

It makes it my own.

I need to stop focusing on the big picture. I need to remember what I said I was going to do and that’s to take it one day at a time. I need to make the time to go for a run even if I have to go alone. I need to start opening up more about my struggles and not try to make this blog all sunshine and roses. Life is not like that. Yes, I still want to have fun with my blog but I can’t be afraid to express myself. I can’t let the fact that just because I have IRL friends and family who read my blog stop me from opening up. Yes, it’s scary to know that people close to me will read some of this but I can’t let that hold me back from doing something that is going to help me in the long run.

I am grateful for this community and only ask for your support, advice, and maybe the occasional kick in the butt.

I still don’t know what the next step is but I will continue to search for it all while drinking my water and hitting the pavement whenever I can.

If you follow me on Instagram (user name: simmondsfam) then you’ve probably seen most of these pictures all ready. If you don’t follow me I’d love it if you did.

1. The local arena opened last week and we took Lincoln skating for the first time this year.

He had fun but I think he enjoyed watching his Dad play hockey afterwards more than anything.

2. I had a delicious frozen Mojito while I was in Kelowna for my race on the weekend. I have been craving one all summer. It was the perfect blend of sweet and sour.


3. I already wrote two posts about my 10K on Sunday but realize I never included a picture with either one.


4. A typical day for us includes checking the mail, playing at the park, checking out the fire trucks at my workplace, and then going to the store to grab milk, bread, or eggs (we always seem to be out of one of the above.)

The boys favourite part is always the park.


5. The Kettle Valley Rail Trail is one of our favourite places to walk because the dog doesn’t have to be on a leash. We usually have to stop and play on the trains behind the museum.


6. He didn’t actually climb the tree but he had fun hanging out in it.


Tell me something random about your week.

This week Playlist Thursday is all about songs from our teenage years. Those songs, good or bad, that remind of us adolesence. I went to Jr. High and Highschool in the 90s in a small Nova Scotian town and I was a huge fan of the Halifax music scene. These three bands were favourites of mine and always bring back fond memories – no angst over here with these songs.

Before I get to my choices for this week let’s recap how the Playlist Thursday format works:

Something Old: Songs that are at least 5 years old. (I know that isn’t too long to be considered old, but music turnover happens quickly.)
Something Current: Songs that have been released within the past year.
Something to Consider: This is the wild card category. Feel free to list any song: old, current, guilty pleasure, underground, whatever.

Before each song include: Artist, Title, Side Note: (Anything you want to say about the song) Quotable: (line from the song)

Thanks again for hosting Pavement Runner. It’s always a good time.

Something Old

Artist: Sloan

Title: Underwhelmed

Side note: A list about my teenage years just wouldn’t be complete without Sloan. You may remember my love for Sloan from this playlist but here’s something you don’t know yet: I collected everything Sloan I could get my hands on back in the day. Magazines, stickers, newspaper clippings, etc. I put it all in yellow file folder and still have it to this day.

Quotable: “She was underwhelmed if that’s a word. I know it’s not cause I looked it up. It’s one of those skills that I learned in my school.”

Something New

Artist: Joel Plaskett Emergency

Title: Nowhere with you

Side note: Joel Plaskett was originally in the band Thrush Hermit back in the 90s. Thrush Hermit were signed with Murderecords in Halifax, which was started by members of Sloan. Joel Plaskett continues to make music to this day. This isn’t a new song but it is on my playlist and one of my favourites.

Quotable: “Hey good-lookin. Why the frown? You always look better when it’s upside down.”

Something to consider

Artist: The Super Friendz

Title: Karate Man

Side note: Superfriendz were also signed to Murderecords and a big part of the Halifax music scene in the 90s. During a highschool English field trip to Halifax some friends and I went to the offices of Murderecords and scored a bunch of free stuff, including a signed poster of Sloan. Basically, everything comes back to Sloan when we’re talking about my teen years.

Quotable: “Karate man, karate man. Dressed in plain clothes no one knows who you are.”

What songs remind you of your teen years?

The many faces of running

The one thing that I love the most about running is that it does not discriminate.

Young or old, male or female, short or tall, fast or slow, fit or “fat”, etc. running is for EVERYONE.

This was made even more apparent to me at my race on Sunday.

I went into the race with a horrible mindset thinking I was going to stick out like a sore thumb because I do not look like a *typical* runner. I just had a baby so I’m carrying around a lot of extra weight and as much as I try to not let it bother me it still does. But the truth of the matter is there is no *typical* look that a runner should or must have.

If you run then you are a runner.

We do not have to fit into a cookie cutter mould of what a runner should look like. We are all out there for our own personal reasons. Some of us have been running longer and are out to PR. Some of us are just starting and merely want to finish. Some of us are in the middle looking for the next big challenge.

On Sunday I saw many different runners all of whom were inspiring.

There was the older couple who ran the half-marathon together.

There was the group of girlfriends who ran the 10K together and only went as fast as the slowest friend.

There was the father running with his eight or nine-year-old son. As they passed me for the second time I mentioned how awesome it was and that one day I hope my own kids will share my love of running.

There was the lady who just had shoulder surgey 8 weeks ago who was supposed to run the half-marathon but decided it was best to run the 10K instead of not running at all.

There were the two friends, dressed in pink, walking the half-marathon. The one woman was a larger lady who wasn’t letting her physical shape stop her from participating.

There was the  lady I saw breastfeeding her baby on the grass after the race with her medal dangling over her cover-up.

There was my friend Leanne who despite rolling her ankle the weekend before got a PR in the half-marathon.

There was my friend Krista who has the best attitude towards running than anyone else I have ever met.

Then there was me who, in an attempt to make excuses for my own physical shape, made sure to let people know I just had a baby two-months ago. I didn’t do it to brag and realizse I was using it as a kind of defense mechanism. But in the process I discovered that no one was judging me negatively and I like to think I inspired a few people of my own that day the same way the above runners inspired me.

It’s difficult not to compare ourselves to other runners at times or to get caught-up in what we think a runner should be.

Because the beautiful thing about running is that, even though it is such an idividual sport, we are all in it together and the support can truly be amazing and inspiring.

Well, I did it.

I ran my first race since having the girl two-months ago and despite sore legs I feel great.

I didn’t have any specific time goals for myself except I wanted to beat my six-month pregnant self (I ran the Vancouver Sun Run in 1:18) and I am happy to report that I beat that time by 5 minutes – yep, very happy about this.

My two friends that I went with also had amazing times and both ran the half-marathon.

We arrived in Kelowna Saturday afternoon and after some shopping we checked into the hotel and then headed to the expo to pick-up our race packages.

The Okanagan Marathon is relatively small so there were no lines, and since the expo itself was also small we were not there for very long. I did buy a new pair of CEP Compression Socks and have been living in them since I got home.

We had an early supper and we’re in bed by 8:00 pm – party animals I tell ya!

Unfortunately we were woken-up around midnight by a strange beeping sound. It took us all a few minutes to realize it was the fire alarm but fortunately it was a false alarm. Unfortunately, the hotel staff seemed to have had difficult time turning it off because it went on for a while. We all had a difficult time getting back to sleep but at least we didn’t have to leave the comfort of our beds.

The half-marathon started a half-hour before the 10K but I went to the start line with Krista and Leanne and saw them cross the starting line.

Thinking back I realize I didn’t feel nervous at all waiting for the race to start. I was just happy to be there. Everything started on time and the weather was cool with blue skies and sun. I got caught up in the excitement of the race and went out too fast but I settled in with a 5:1 run:walk ratio – the run portion was longer at times depending on how I felt and where I was on the course.

All three distances run the same 10K route so Krista and I got to see each other as I was headed out and she was heading to the second part of the half-marathon route. The first portion of the 10K is kind of boring as it is through part of downtown and a residential area but the end is along the water and beautiful.

My only complaint about the course is that there seemed to be different km makers for the different distances. I passed two 3K, two 4K, and two 5K markers along the way and it was really toying with my emotions 🙂

The best part of the race for me were the variety of people running but I’m saving that for another post.

As I entered the finishing chute I saw Leanne on the sidelines cheering me on and I mustered up all my remaining energy to finish strong.

I definitely left everything on the course.

I may not be in my best physical shape, I may not like looking at my race photos, and I may not be as speedy as some other new moms out there but you know what?

I did it.

I’m proud.

And things can only get better from here.

Marathon training is about to start and this may be my official marathon training song*:

*warning, he uses a bad word.

1. The girl is now two-months old and she has officially started smiling.


2. We don’t have cable or satellite so we recently signed-up for Netflix. We are currently obsessed with Breaking Bad.

3. If he wanted to Lincoln could attend play group (also known as Strong Start) everyday, Monday to Friday, in three different communities all within a 10 minute drive. This week we set out to just that and I’m not going to lie, I kind of felt like I was stalking the lady who runs the program.

4. Netflix has allowed me to catch up on the new 90210. Now I am rewatching the original series from the beginning. Dylan makes my heart melt.


5. Thursday marked my last run until my 10K on Sunday. I’m feeling great and can’t wait to have fun and kick some butt. If the weather this week has been any indication of what it will be like on race day then I better remember to pack my long sleeves. Start time is 8:15 am.

Tell me something random about your week.

This edition of Playlist Thursday is all about childhood memories. It is Pavement Runner‘s daughters first birthday (Happy Birthday little lady!) so we’re paying homage to being a child this week. We all know the drill by now: every Thursday create a list composed of 3 songs that can, or should be, added to your workout playlist following this simple format:

Something Old: Songs that are at least 5 years old. (I know that isn’t too long to be considered old, but music turnover happens quickly.)
Something Current: Songs that have been released within the past year.
Something to Consider: This is the wild card category. Feel free to list any song: old, current, guilty pleasure, underground, whatever.

Before each song include: Artist, Title, Side Note: (Anything you want to say about the song) Quotable: (line from the song)

It was though for me to decide on three songs but here we go…

Something Old

Artist: Guns N’ Roses

Title: Paradise City

Side Note: Yes, Guns N’ Roses remind me of childhood and for a very specific reason: Appetite for Destruction is the first tape I ever bought. I was in grade three. My friend and I used to walk around the playground singing the chorus to Paradise City (we didn’t know any of the other lyrics which was probably a good thing). Did I mention I was in grade three? Additionally, when I found out this week’s theme and mentioned it to my husband the same album was the first thing to pop into his head. He would have been in grade four.

Quotable: “Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Oh, won’t you please take me home.”

Something New

Artist: Sesame Street: Will.i.am

Title: What I am

Side Note: This song is more than a year old but Sesame Street never gets old.  I am always reminded of childhood when Sesame Street is on and love sharing it with my own son, and eventually my daughter. I don’t remember the songs being nearly as cool when I was a kid but I loved it all the same. Especially the Lady Bug Picnic song.

Quotable: “There’s only one me, I am it. Have a dream, I’ll follow it. It’s up to me to try.”

Something to Consider

Artist: Traveling Wilburys

Title: End of the Line

Side Note: The Traveling Wilburys consisted of Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty. Their first album always reminds me of driving in the family station wagon on the weekends.

Quotable: “Well it’s all right. Riding around in the breeze. Well it’s all right. If you live the life you please. Well it’s all right. Doing the best you can. Well it’s all right. As long as you lend a hand.”

What songs remind you of childhood? Did you listen to a certain band or artist back then that makes you shake your head now?